Writers’ Haunts Tips

Read these 14 Writers’ Haunts Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Screen Writing tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Where do writers hang out?


This thriving website will benefit anyone aspiring to connect to filmmaking opportunities in New England, or to New England filmmakers. The site includes articles on New England film, classifieds, and a directory to which you can add your information. Many people in film outside New England use the site, as well.

Where do writers hang out?

The Alibi Room, Seattle, WA

The Alibi Room is a friendly place for screenwriters—and artists of all types. Go to this mellow bar and restaurant during the Seattle International Film Festival and you just might meet a famous scribe. Owned by filmmakers, The Alibi Room features screenplays you can read in a calm atmosphere, as you break from a spell of Pike Place Market shopping. The establishment even features a screenplay read-through series.


Where do writers hang out?

Haymarket Bookstore Cafe, Northampton, MA

Like many niche establishments in the artist town of “Noho”, Haymarket is carved out of a more than century-old business structure. Inside, you will find coffee and accompaniments at street level, but downstairs is the place to go to write (and enjoy vegetarian vittles in the basement café).

Where do writers hang out?


TwoAdverbs.com is a screenwriting co-op, and the online host of Story Conference, an L.A.-area screenwriting workshop for unproduced screenplays. If you have a screenplay you would like others to read and give you feedback, check out TwoAdverbs. There, you will also find an excellent article on constructing loglines (a vital tool for selling your script), written by Christopher Lockhart, Executive Story Editor at International Creative Management.

Where do writers hang out?


For script reviews of movies in the making, and an array of articles on screenwriting, see ScreenwritersUtopia.com. This site was started in the mid-1990s by founder Christopher Wehner and has grown into one of the better-known screenwriting websites. Paid membership to the site's Global Literary Market gets the user access to a database and directory of over 1500 producers, agents, and executives.

Where do writers hang out?


ScriptSales.com, a.k.a. Done Deal, does its best to keep you abreast of who sold what to whom in Hollywood screenwriting. This can be a great inspirational tool. In addition, the site's Index includes an agent list, contest info, examples, screenwriting fundamentals, and other information helpful to the aspiring screenwriter.

Where do writers hang out?

The Alibi Room, Vancouver, BC

Seattle's Alibi Room was such a hit in its first three years that in 1998 its principles opened a Vancouver location with partners Tom Skerritt, Gillian Anderson, and Jason Preistly. Like the Seattle location, Vancouver's Alibi Room exists to support independent film (and serve food and beverages). If you're in Vancouver, go there and see if it feels like a place you can write outside of your home set-up.

Where do writers hang out?


Writers of all stripes flock here to discuss craft, connect professionally and socially, exchange information about opportunities in writing, and generally advance the profession of writing. The site also offers offline mixers and classes in major metros, articles on writing, and premium content through its AvantGuild option.

Where do writers hang out?


Screenwriter Bill Martell has at least 17 produced credits to his name. And though the made-for-cable and straight-to-video markets do not know a high "respectability" quotient, Martell has achieved critical acclaim. Through ScriptSecrets.net, Martell shares his sizeable Hollywood insight. ScriptSecrets.net is worth your time.

Where do writers hang out?


CraigsList.com is a great source for connections for work, apartments, dating, etc., in major metros. The New York and L.A. sections often have job ads seeking screenwriters or screenplays. (Telecommuting is frequently allowed.)

Where do writers hang out?


You can network with all sorts of professionals at Ryze.com, including people in film. This young blog site is becoming popular. Some Lifetips gurus are members. A Gold Membership allows you to create your own network at Ryze. (Perhaps, you could create and moderate your own screenwriting related network and build clout with film professionals.)

Where do writers hang out?

Diesel Café, Somerville, MA

In eclectic Somerville's most happening neighborhood, Davis Square, the Diesel Café awaits the writer who likes to change locales, sip and nosh, and people watch. Look up from your writing to check out professionals and students scurrying for the T, or play pool on red felt tables in the back when you need a break.

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Byron White